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Sustainability and the Environment in Europe: Get Involved!

In this guide you can find resources about sustainability, climate change, and environmental topics, with a focus on European policy and activism. The page "Berklee Valencia Newsletter: Sustainability Section" will be updated weekly with different topics,

Groups and Campaigns

 Head to Greenpeace once a week and sign whatever new petitions catch your eye. It takes two seconds and honestly makes a difference!

 Try an Extinction Rebellion welcome meeting- they are usually held regularly. Contact your local group on instagram to ask! 

 Try going to a protest or march about the climate. By following the recommended local activist groups, you should see when there is something coming up. 

 Become an "Earth Protector" for just 5€ by signing up via Stop Ecocide. You will get an official certificate which has been recognised by almost all countries as a legal document. By doing this you are giving visibility to the campaign which is trying to make "ecocide" i.e. the destruction  of ecosystems, an international crime. Additionally, activists can get legal protection in protests and demonstrations: being registered as a Conscientious Protector can be used in court to show that you are trying to prevent harm rather than cause it. 

 Stop Ecocide is also campaigning to include ecocide as a crime in the current revision of the EU's Environmental Crime Directive: sign the petition to support it here!

 Switching banks is one of the most useful things you can do right now. Check bank green to see whether your bank funds new fossil fuel projects or deforestation, and if it is- switch to one that isn't! This has been proven to work: after protests against banks' investments have become more widespread in recent years, Lloyds Bank (the biggest in the UK) just announced they are cutting all direct funding to fossil fuel projects. 

Instagram accounts to follow


@esxrebellion - Extinction Rebellion Spain
@greenpeace_esp - Greenpeace Spain
@futurovegetal - Spanish group campaigning for a move away from animal agriculture to globally plant-based 


@xrvalencia - Extinction Rebellion Valencia
@greenpeace_cv - Greenpeace Valencia
@amiguesdelaterra_valencia - Friends of the Earth Valencia
@joventutxclimavlc - Fridays for Future Valencia
@plataformacontrabypass - organisation protesting the expansion of a motorway in Valencia
@terretaneta - eco shop which also does activities, in Benimaclet 
@espaiverdbenicalap - green space in Benicalap organising activities

Youth Groups

Local Actions

Library Assistant