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Sustainability and the Environment in Europe: Eco Tips

In this guide you can find resources about sustainability, climate change, and environmental topics, with a focus on European policy and activism. The page "Berklee Valencia Newsletter: Sustainability Section" will be updated weekly with different topics,

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Some quick tips you can put into place around the house and in your every day life.

Every little helps! 


  • Search thousands of brands and products on Ethical Consumer to see where the best eco-friendly places to buy are. Pick a category along the top of the page to learn more about ethical clothing, bookstores, online shopping, travel, and more! 
  • Instead of buying books on Amazon, which is killing the independent and used book market, try searching on Biblio! They have multiple sites, including EnglishSpanish, and American/Worldwide, and specialise in second-hand and rare books. They work with independent bookshops from around the world, and send books from them to the customer. 

Zero waste

  • If you menstruate, seriously consider buying a “moon cup” (reusable silicone cup). You can get them in large supermarkets now, or there are various different styles available online. If that’s not your thing, you can also try washable period pads or underwear - they are completely hygienic and you can just pop them in the washing machine to clean. Apart from the huge reduction in plastic and cotton waste from pads and tampons, cups and period underwear last for years so you will save a ton of money! 
  • Keep a vase or some kind of container next to your sink or even in the shower. When you’re running the water and waiting for it to get hot, collect the water and use it to water plants, cook with, or filter and drink.
  • Re-use odd bits of food waste as fertilizer for your house plants. A few quick and easy ones are:
    -Use water from cooking pasta to water your plants (as long as you haven’t added salt). 
    -Soak a banana skin in a jar of water for a week. Dilute this liquid with more water by around 1 part to 10, and add to your plants’ soil. 
    -Soak a used tea bag with some leftover dry oats in a jar of water. Leave for at least a day, then dilute with more water and add to the soil. 
    -Follow creative_explained on Instagram for more tips like this!  


  • If you want to travel more around Spain and Europe, but without relying on flying, check out for a thorough breakdown of various train, bus, and ferry options. 


  • When you go food shopping, try to avoid products with palm oil in them, as palm plantations are a huge cause of deforestation. 
  • If you buy eggs from the supermarket, rather than relying on the advertising on the packaging, check the number printed on each egg. If it begins with a 0, those are the most free-range possible chickens. A 1 is partly free-range, 2 much less so, and 3 is factory / battery farmed. 
  • Download the app “Too Good To Go” and you’ll see hundreds of cafes, restaurants and supermarkets according to your location, which have leftovers they will shortly have to throw away. Just choose what you feel like and pick up a bag of goodies for a fraction of their sale price. Win win!  

Biodiversity and habitat

  • Switch your internet browser from Google to Ecosia! Like other search engines, Ecosia makes money from ads, but unlike others, 100% of these profits go to tree-planting projects. Just search "Ecosia" and add the extension to your browser (you can still keep your bookmarks, and the search is basically identical to Google or any other). You can even see a daily count of trees planted overall by Ecosia, and just by your searches.
  • If you’re lucky enough to have a garden, let it grow a bit wild! Don’t cut the grass too short, or throw some wildflower seed bombs into the mix. This will encourage a range of insects to visit and pollinate. If you don’t have a garden but your family or friends do, encourage them to do the same. Buy (or better, make) some “seed bombs” for their next birthday, and help scatter them in the spring or summer. The bees will thank you!

Books with quick tips!

Eco Tips for College Students
