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News Media and Fact-Checking: Fact-Checking, Bias, and Misleading Information

This guide is to equip students and instructors with tools to navigate an increasingly complex information landscape.

 Click to view the static version of this Media Bias Chart. Visit here for an interactive version.

Static Media Bias Chart

  Funny Fake
Definition [Funny] Satire: "a way of criticizing people or ideas in a humorous way, especially in order to make a political point, or a piece of writing that uses this style" - Cambridge English Dictionary Fake News: "false stories that appear to be news, spread on the internet or using other media, usually created to influence political views or as a joke" - Cambridge English Dictionary
Purpose political commentary, social criticism, exposing irony Deceive, confuse, and manipulate
Related Terms satire, parody, humor hoax, propaganda, disinformation, fraud, trolling
Website Design and other Indicators

- looks like real news

- includes an "About" page that indicates the satirical purpose of the publication

- The URL and/or web domain will be distinctive to that publication and you can easily find out who is responsible for the content, along with contact information (e.g. conduct a "WHOIS" search to find out who owns the domain)

- It will be clear who is responsible for the content, either through an author byline, an "About" page, contact information, or known personalities affiliated with the content.

- looks like real news

- may include an "About page" that will be written in a way to present itself as legitimate

- The URL and/or web domain will be generic or deceptive (e.g. it is made to look like a well-known news source's URL but will be slightly different)

- It will appear as though a credentialed person or entity is behind the content. However, upon deeper investigation, it will be less obvious who is truly responsible for the content. Research may reveal that the "authors" are not real and/or that this content is created by a foreign entity or an algorithm with the intent to be deceptive.


- Satirical television news programs

- Satirical news websites

- Satirical magazines

- Fake news websites

On The Media's Breaking News Consumer's Handbook

News Databases & Websites

News banner

Library Databases

Access with your OnePass, these include full-text articles, including the most recent articles from these publications' print editions.

A spreadsheet of the complete list of the 3,500+ publications available in this database, including descriptions and countries of publication (as of December 2023)

News Websites

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