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ABLE Music Resource Center

This guide will serves as the prototype information portal that connects users to professional development materials and resources.

Announcing REMIX


Please visit the brand new and searchable ABLE Arts Research Center home at


See the collection press release for more details: 


Berklee Announces ABLE Arts Resource Center
August 5, 2020



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ABLE Music Resource Center (Arts Better the Lives of Everyone)



The ABLE Music Resource Center is a comprehensive clearinghouse of resources for musicians, music educators, teaching artists, community arts organizations, scholars, undergraduate and graduate students, and others who work in the field of music education and special needs. This project is co-sponsored by the Berklee Institute for Arts Education and Special Needs and United Sound.




The ABLE Music Resource Center has several primary aims:

  • To assist artists, arts educators, and teaching artists by providing a searchable portal for music education resources

  • To assemble a comprehensive library and network of music education resources for individuals with special needs that is regularly updated with the most current materials

  • To identify areas where additional resources and materials are needed

  • To develop resources and materials to address the needs of the field